Radar Reflectors
New to the range of ARCO products:
FIRDELL Radar Reflectors Ltd was founded in 1978 by two senior UK
Ministry of Defence research scientists, Dr S W Bell and W A Dukes, for the
purpose of studying the largely ignored science of radar reflection, as distinct
from radar, and for the application of their research to provide effective
radar reflectors for small craft, buoys, beacons etc.
The 'BLIPPER' and other ranges of reflectors are now sold world wide (Firdell's
total range extents to some 40 different units) and manufactured under
sub-licence in the United States and Australia. They have received NATO
accreditation for use in craft and buoy identification, and as gun and guided
missile targets.
FIRDELL Defence Ltd was formed in 1982 to research into the use of the
FIRDELL technology for decoys, "stealth" analysis and other
Defence application. This led to a 3-year contract with GEM-Marconi Defence
System Ltd, during which time the technology was secured into GEC-Marconi.
FIRDELL Radar Reflectors Ltd is the trading arm of the various aspects
of the FIRDELL technology.
FIRDELL applications for which 'Standard Blipper' Series Optimum Radar
Refectors (encased) are used:
- Yachts and leisure powerboats of any size, with hulls/upper works
constructed of any type of material
- Work boats: Fishing, angling and similar work boats; military and
police patrol boats; coast guard, customs and associated search-and-rescue
boats; pilots; rigid and semi-rigid inflatable and inflatable high-speed
interceptors and stand-by craft; beach assault craft (for training/mooring);
lifeboat and fire services; survival craft (ship's lifeboats etc); moored
lighters, barges; dive boats; tows etc
- Navigation marks: Shore/offshore beacons, radar leading marks;
navigation, marker and daymark buoys; seismic buoys; radar calibration
marks; bridge and bridge pier markers; temporary position and cable-end
markers; shoreline or offshore constructions works; estuary or similar
channel markers, telecommunication towers etc; fish farm cages and similar;
shore-linked keepnets and barriers etc.
- Topmark Reflectors for IALA Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage Systems (A
& B) Conical, can and ball reflective topmarks to AILA
recommendations for size, color etc.
- Airports: Reflectors for airfield duty and stand-by vehicles.
- Radar operator training: Civil and Defence, calibration marks.
- Defence: Boats and buoys; beach and similar zone markers; targetry
(Blippers are NATO stock listed); controlled deployment of attack boats
(civil and Defence Services) from task-directing ship, station etc.
All products featured on this site are
manufactured or supplied by:
PO Box 401
Galston N.S.W. 2159 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9653 2111
Fax: +61 2 9653 3119
Email: sales@huttonwinches.com
All prices quoted on this site, unless otherwise specified, are in US dollars.
Australian Yacht Winch Pty. Ltd.